Local Counsel
If you are lawyering outside of your area, there are several reasons why you should consider hiring local counsel to assist you.
Hiring Local Counsel to Assist When You Are the Outsider
You may have a long-term client who has a legal issue in another state. Instead of hiring an attorney in that jurisdiction, your client only trusts you to handle the matter. However, you have never handled a case in that jurisdiction. You have absolutely no knowledge of the intricate workings of the courts within the jurisdiction.
You can research case law and code sections related to your case; however, this does not give you all the information you need to represent your client to the best of your ability. To diligently represent your client’s best interest, you should consider hiring local counsel to assist you with the case.
Reasons Why You Need to Hire Local Counsel If you are lawyering outside of your area, there are several reasons why you should consider hiring local counsel to assist you.
Hiring Local Counsel With Extensive Experience Related to Your Case
In addition to specific knowledge about the jurisdiction of the case, local attorneys can provide insights and additional legal counsel that can benefit your client. Working with another legal team can give you fresh eyes on the case, especially if you have run into a few problems or roadblocks. Having a different perspective can result in another legal strategy that could improve your chance of success.
While you can use local counsel to file documents and sit with you at the table to distract from the fact that you have never handled a case in this jurisdiction, experienced local attorneys can offer much more. Do not discount the benefits for your client that true collaboration with local counsel may offer.